218 N 19TH ST

218 N 19TH ST is Block 87, Lot 10 in Surf City Boro, Ocean County.

Owner Information


Other Property by Owner

Property Map

Data on 218 N 19Th St, Surf City Boro

Building Description2SF 1050
Year Constructed1960
Interior Space (ft2) 1050


218 N 19Th St is listed as being within the RA zone for Surf City Boro.

View the Zoning Map on the Surf City Boro website or our copy of the zoning map.

View the Zoning Code for Surf City Boro.


This property last sold for on . See sales information for 218 N 19Th St, as far back as 30 years.

The Deed for 218 N 19Th St is filed with the County Clerk in Book 19197 on Page 1164.

This property was assessed for . The land was assessed at and the improvements to the property were assessed at .

218 N 19Th St costs KPF88 LLC annually in taxes.

School District

Long Beach Island Consolidated School District
201 20th Street
Ship Bottom NJ 08008
Superintendent: Dr. Peter Kopack

Students in grades PK-06 attend Long Beach Island Consolidated School District.

Visit the Long Beach Island Consolidated School District website or call the district offices. View the NJ School Performance Report for Long Beach Island Consolidated School District.

Southern Regional School District
105 Cedar Bridge Rd.
Manahawkin NJ 08050
Superintendent: Mr. Craig Henry

Students in grades 07-12 attend Southern Regional School District.

Visit the Southern Regional School District website or call the district offices. View the NJ School Performance Report for Southern Regional School District.

Check back soon for more school data!

Flood Data

This property is completely within the AE Zone (within floodplain).

The base flood elevation for this flood zone is 7.0 feet.

View Flood Map

This information is sourced from the FEMA National Flood Hazard Layer. See our full disclamer.

Utility Providers

Electricity service is provided by Atlantic City Electric.

Natural gas service is provided by New Jersey Natural Gas.

This property is in the OCUA Southern sewer service area.

Broadband Internet

ProviderTypeBandwidth (mbps)
Verizon New Jersey Inc.DSL 15  1
ComcastCable 987  35

Broadband service provider data from June 2018.

Notification List

View the list of properties within 200 feet of 218 N 19TH ST. Useful for determining certified mailing lists when applying for a variance or permit.

Notification List

Adjacent Properties