Data Sources and Usage Disclaimer
While we strive to provide quality information regarding New Jersey's properties, we are often subject to deficiencies and errors in other publicly available data sources.
As such, is a resource to begin your research into a property. As specified in our Terms of Service, the information presented here is for illustrative purposes and is not to be used as a legal definition of the property.
Assessment Information
Basic figures related to the properties displayed on are sourced from the New Jersey Department of Treasury. Sources include, but are not limited to, the Certified Assessment Rolls and the Grantor's Listing.
Property Location and Cadastral Data
Property locations and other cadastral (i.e. boundary information, metes-and-bounds) data is sourced from the aggregated parcel information available through NJGIN or individual counties.
Voter Registration Data
Voter registration data is provided by the State of New Jersey, Department of State, Division of Elections.
Flood Data
The flood data information is sourced from FEMA's National Flood Hazard Layer. The data from the NFHL is presented here for illustrative purposes only and is not a legal representation of flood vulnerability or insurance rate change.
Broadband Information
The information regarding broadband internet service providers is sourced from the National Broadband Map. It is not a guarantee that the broadband service will be available at the property.
Information related to other utility providers has been sourced from the State of New Jersey, the US Department of Homeland Security, and other government data providers.
This disclaimer was last revised on 2019-07-06.