505 E 19TH AVE #101

505 E 19TH AVE #101 is Block 295, Lot 9 in North Wildwood City, Cape May County.

Owner Information


Other Property by Owner

Data on 505 E 19Th Ave #101, North Wildwood City

Building DescriptionCondominium
Year Constructed2008


505 E 19Th Ave #101 is listed as being within the OS zone for North Wildwood City.

View the Zoning Map on the North Wildwood City website or our copy of the zoning map.

View the Zoning Code for North Wildwood City.


This property last sold for on . See sales information for 505 E 19Th Ave #101, as far back as 30 years.

The Deed for 505 E 19Th Ave #101 is filed with the County Clerk in Book 3380 on Page 896.

This property was assessed for . The land was assessed at and the improvements to the property were assessed at .

505 E 19Th Ave #101 costs the property's owners annually in taxes.

School District

North Wildwood School District
1201 Atlantic Avenue
North Wildwood NJ 08260
Superintendent: Mr. Christopher Armstrong

Students in grades PK-08 attend North Wildwood School District.

Visit the North Wildwood School District website or call the district offices. View the NJ School Performance Report for North Wildwood School District.

Wildwood City School District
4300 Pacific Avenue
Wildwood NJ 08260
Superintendent: Kenyon Kummings

Students in grades PK-12 attend Wildwood City School District.

Visit the Wildwood City School District website or call the district offices. View the NJ School Performance Report for Wildwood City School District.

Check back soon for more school data!

Utility Providers

No location information provided for this property assessment.