Properties in Block 230
Lot | Address | Owner | Type |
10 | 636 BROOKSIDE PL | Redacted | residential |
1.01 | 35-37 GERAUD AVENUE | CITY OF PLAINFIELD | public property |
11.01 | 638 BROOKSIDE PL | CITY OF PLAINFIELD | public property |
12 | 640-42 BROOKSIDE PL | Redacted | residential |
14 | 639-41 BROOKSIDE PL | Redacted | residential |
15 | 635-37 BROOKSIDE PL | Redacted | residential |
16 | 633 BROOKSIDE PL | Redacted | residential |
17 | 631 BROOKSIDE PL | Redacted | residential |
18 | 629 BROOKSIDE PL | Redacted | residential |
19 | 625-27 BROOKSIDE PL | Redacted | residential |
20 | 621-23 BROOKSIDE PL | Redacted | residential |
21 | 619 BROOKSIDE PL | Redacted | residential |
22 | 615-17 BROOKSIDE PL | Redacted | residential |
23 | 611-13 BROOKSIDE PL | Redacted | residential |
24 | 612-14 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
25 | 616-18 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
26 | 620-22 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
27 | 624 W FRONT ST | Redacted | vacant land |
28 | 626-28 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
29 | 630 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
3 | 610-12 BROOKSIDE PL | Redacted | residential |
30 | 632-34 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
31 | 636 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
32 | 638-40 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
33 | 642 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
34 | 644 W FRONT ST REAR | Redacted | residential |
35 | 646 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
36 | 648-50 W FRONT ST | ADVANCE HOME GROUP LLC | residential |
37 | 652 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
38 | 654-56 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
39 | 658-60 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
4 | 614-18 BROOKSIDE PL | Redacted | residential |
40.01 | 662 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
40.02 | 664-66 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
41 | 668-70 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
42 | 672-74 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
43 | 676-78 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
44 | 680-82 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
45 | 684-86 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
46 | 688 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
47 | 700-02 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
48 | 704-06 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
49 | 708 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
5 | 620-22 BROOKSIDE PL | Redacted | residential |
50 | 710-12 W FRONT ST | LEBANON BAPTIST CHURCH | church or charitable property |
51 | 714-16 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
52 | 718 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
53 | 720 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
54 | 722 W FRONT ST | PROPERTIES APV LLC | residential |
55 | 724 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
56 | 726 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
57 | 728 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
58 | 730 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
59 | 732 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
6 | 624 BROOKSIDE PL | Redacted | residential |
60 | 734 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
61 | 736-38 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
62 | 740-42 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
63 | 744 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
64 | 746 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
65 | 748 W FRONT ST | HP GROUP PROPERTIES OF USA LLC | residential |
66 | 750 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
67 | 752-54 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
68 | 756 W FRONT ST | Redacted | residential |
69 | 10 WEST END AVE | Redacted | residential |
7 | 626-28 BROOKSIDE PL | Redacted | residential |
70 | 12-14 WEST END AVE | Redacted | residential |
72 | 20-36 WEST END AVE | DIVISION OF PARKS & REC. | other exempt property |
8 | 630 BROOKSIDE PL | Redacted | residential |
9 | 632-34 BROOKSIDE PL | Redacted | residential |
Leaflet State of New Jersey