Properties in Block 143

141 45 DE WITT RDRedactedresidential
10718-728 N BROAD STRedactedapartment
1119-23 DE WITT RDRedactedresidential
1225-29 DE WITT RDRedactedresidential
1331-35 DE WITT RDRedactedresidential
1437-39 DE WITT RDRedactedresidential
2733-35 SALEM AVERedactedresidential
3737-749 SALEM AVERedactedresidential
442 6 ABERDEEN RDRedactedresidential
538-42 ABERDEEN RDRedactedresidential
632-36 ABERDEEN RDRedactedresidential
728-32 ABERDEEN RDRedactedresidential
822 26 ABERDEEN RDRedactedresidential
9730-742 N BROAD STRedactedapartment

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