92 WILDCAT RD is Block 1901, Lot 21.01 in Franklin Boro, Sussex County.
Property Map
Data on 92 Wildcat Rd, Franklin Boro
Type | residential |
Building Description | 1.5SF-ATG |
Year Constructed | 1950 |
Interior Space (ft2) | 2401 |
Acreage | 0.2600 |
92 Wildcat Rd is listed as being within the R-1 zone for Franklin Boro.
View the Zoning Map on the Franklin Boro website or our copy of the zoning map.
View the Zoning Code for Franklin Boro.
This property last sold for on . See sales information for 92 Wildcat Rd, as far back as 30 years.
The Deed for 92 Wildcat Rd is filed with the County Clerk in Book 3633 on Page 529.
This property was assessed for . The land was assessed at and the improvements to the property were assessed at .
92 Wildcat Rd costs the property's owners annually in taxes.
School District
Franklin Borough School District
50 Washington Avenue
Franklin NJ 07416
Superintendent: Mr. John Giacchi
Students in grades PK-08 attend Franklin Borough School District.
Visit the Franklin Borough School District website or call the district offices. View the NJ School Performance Report for Franklin Borough School District.
Wallkill Valley Regional High School
10 Grumm Road
Hardyston Township NJ 07419
Superintendent: Mr. David Carr
Students in grades 09-12 attend Wallkill Valley Regional High School.
Visit the Wallkill Valley Regional High School website or call the district offices. View the NJ School Performance Report for Wallkill Valley Regional High School.
Check back soon for more school data!
Planning Data
This property is within the Highlands Planning Area.
Refer to the Highlands Council for more information.
This information is derived from official sources, however you must confirm the designation with the Highlands Council.
Utility Providers
Electricity service is provided by Jersey Central Power & Light.
Natural gas service is provided by Elizabethtown Gas.
This property is in the Sussex County MUA Upper Wallkill WPCF sewer service area.
Broadband Internet
Provider | Type | Bandwidth (mbps) | |
Service Electric Broadband Cable | Cable | 105 | 10 |
PenTeleData Limited Partnership I | Fiber | 1,000 | 1,000 |
CenturyLink | DSL | 25 | 2 |
PenTeleData Limited Partnership I | Cable | 50 | 5 |
Broadband service provider data from June 2018.
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