Properties in Block 3317
Lot | Address | Owner | Type |
1 | 491-509 E 19TH ST | MADISON PARTNERS URBAN RENEWAL LLC | other exempt property |
10 | 520-522 MADISON AVE | Redacted | residential |
11 | 524-526 MADISON AVE | Redacted | residential |
12 | 526-528 MADISON AVE | ALLEGHENY EAST CONFERENCE OF SEVENT | church or charitable property |
13 | 357 11TH AVE | ALLEGHENY EAST CONFERENCE ASSOCIA | other exempt property |
14 | 351-355 11TH AVE | ALLEGHENY EAST CONFERENCE ASSOCIA | church or charitable property |
15 | 343-349 11TH AVE | Redacted | church or charitable property |
16 | 523-525 E 19TH ST | ALLEGHENY EAST CONFERENCE ASSOC | church or charitable property |
17 | PT 519-521 E 19TH ST | ALLEGHENY EAST CONFERENCE OF SEVENT | church or charitable property |
18 | 509-519 E 19TH ST | ALLEGHENY EAST CONFERENCE OF SEVENT | commercial |
2 | 308-312 10TH AVE | GABRIEL J LLC | apartment |
3 | 314 10TH AVE | Redacted | residential |
4 | 492 MADISON AVE | Redacted | church or charitable property |
5 | 498 MADISON AVE | Redacted | church or charitable property |
6 | 500-502 MADISON AVE | Redacted | church or charitable property |
7 | 502-504 MADISON AVE | Redacted | church or charitable property |
8 | 512-514 MADISON AVE | Redacted | residential |
9 | 516-518 MADISON AVE | Redacted | church or charitable property |
Leaflet State of New Jersey