Properties in Block 58

11225 CENTRAL AVERedactedresidential
101205 CENTRAL AVERedactedresidential
111203 CENTRAL AVERedactedresidential
121201 CENTRAL AVERedactedresidential
13708 12TH STRedactedresidential
14710 12TH STRedactedresidential
15712 12TH STRedactedresidential
16714 12TH STRedactedresidential
17716 12TH STRedactedresidential
18718 12TH STRedactedapartment
21223 CENTRAL AVERedactedresidential
211200 SUMMIT AVERedactedcommercial
231206 SUMMIT AVERedactedcommercial
241208 SUMMIT AVERedactedcommercial
261212-16 SUMMIT AVERedactedcommercial
291218 SUMMIT AVERedactedcommercial
31221 CENTRAL AVERedactedresidential
301220-22 SUMMIT AVERedactedapartment
31723 13TH STRedactedresidential
32721 13TH STRedactedresidential
33719 13TH STRedactedresidential
34717 13TH STRedactedresidential
35715 13TH STRedactedresidential
36713 13TH STRedactedresidential
37711 13TH STRedactedresidential
39709 13TH STRedactedresidential
41219 CENTRAL AVERedactedresidential
51217 CENTRAL AVERedactedresidential
61213-15 CENTRAL AVERedactedresidential
71211 CENTRAL AVERedactedresidential
81209 CENTRAL AVERedactedresidential
91207 CENTRAL AVERedactedresidential

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