Properties in Block 1303

10269 PINE MILL RDRedactedresidential
11271 PINE MILL RDRedactedresidential
12253 PINE MILL RDRedactedresidential
13/QFARMPINE MILL RDRedactedqualified farm
17231 PINE MILL RDRedactedvacant land
18225 PINE MILL RDRedactedresidential
5166 E COHAWKIN RDRedactedfarm
5.01160 E COHAWKIN RDRedactedresidential
5/QFARM166 E COHAWKIN RDRedactedqualified farm
6.01223 PINE MILL RDRedactedresidential
6.02221 PINE MILL RDRedactedresidential
6.03219 PINE MILL RDRedactedvacant land
6.04217 PINE MILL RDRedactedresidential
6.05215 PINE MILL RDRedactedresidential
6/QFARMCOHAWKIN RDRedactedqualified farm
7245 PINE MILL RDRedactedresidential
8247 PINE MILL RDRedactedresidential
9249 PINE MILL RDRedactedresidential
Leaflet State of New Jersey

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