Properties in Block 39

12 MEMORIAL AVERedactedapartment
10807 CINNAMINSON AVERedactedresidential
10.02CINNAMINSON AVERedactedvacant land
11809 CINNAMINSON AVERedactedresidential
11.01812 WALNUT STRedactedresidential
11.02810 WALNUT STRedactedresidential
11.03811 CINNAMINSON AVERedactedresidential
12815 CINNAMINSON AVERedactedresidential
13817 CINNAMINSON AVERedactedresidential
1421 PEAR STRedactedresidential
1523 PEAR STRedactedresidential
1625 PEAR STRedactedresidential
1729 PEAR STRedactedvacant land
1829 PEAR STRedactedresidential
1931 PEAR STRedactedresidential
24 MEMORIAL AVERedactedresidential
2033 PEAR STRedactedresidential
2135 PEAR STRedactedresidential
2237 PEAR STRedactedresidential
36 MEMORIAL AVERedactedresidential
48 MEMORIAL AVERedactedresidential
4.0110 MEMORIAL AVERedactedresidential
512 MEMORIAL AVERedactedresidential
5.0114 MEMORIAL AVERedactedresidential
7.02801 CINNAMINSON AVERedactedresidential
7.04808 WALNUT STRedactedresidential
8.01803 CINNAMINSON AVERedactedresidential
9.02805 CINNAMINSON AVERedactedresidential

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