Properties in Block 1202

1101 GRANT AVERedactedresidential
10212 S LINCOLN AVERedactedresidential
11214 S LINCOLN AVERedactedresidential
12216 S LINCOLN AVERedactedresidential
13220 S LINCOLN AVETRIPLE JSresidential
14231 WINTHROP AVERedactedresidential
15119 GRANT AVERedactedresidential
16113 GRANT AVERedactedresidential
17111 GRANT AVERedactedresidential
18107 GRANT AVERedactedresidential
2100 S LINCOLN AVERedactedresidential
3110 S LINCOLN AVERedactedresidential
4114 S LINCOLN AVERedactedresidential
5116 S LINCOLN AVERedactedvacant land
6198 S LINCOLN AVERedactedresidential
7202 S LINCOLN AVERedactedresidential
8208 S LINCOLN AVERedactedresidential

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