Properties in Block 141

113 TAPPAN RDRedactedresidential
10240 KENSINGTON AVE.Redactedresidential
11230 KENSINGTON AVE.Redactedresidential
12220 KENSINGTONRedactedresidential
13216 KENSINGTONRedactedresidential
14.01204 KENSINGTON AV.Redactedresidential
15.0110 KENSINGTON COURTRedactedresidential
15.0220 KENSINGTON COURTRedactedresidential
15.0330 KENSINGTON COURTRedactedresidential
16.01188 KENSINGTONRedactedresidential
1745 TAPPAN RD.Redactedresidential
1841 TAPPAN RDRedactedresidential
19.0133 TAPPAN RDRedactedresidential
19.0240 KENSINGTON COURTRedactedresidential
25 DALE COURTRedactedresidential
2025 TAPPAN RDRedactedresidential
315 DALE COURTRedactedresidential
425 DALE COURTRedactedresidential
535 DALE COURTRedactedresidential
66 JOHN CIRCLERedactedresidential
74 JOHN CIRCLERedactedresidential
82 JOHN CIRCLERedactedresidential
92 JOHN STRedactedresidential

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