239 Central Avenue is Block 16, Lot 57.
For more information on 239 CENTRAL AVENUE:
Potentially Associated Properties
Below is a map and a listing of all properties in New Jersey that have an owner at the same address listed for 239 Central Avenue.

Property Location | Property Class | Owner Address | Sale Date | Price |
239 CENTRAL AVENUE Mountainside Boro (Union) | residential | 239 CENTRAL AVENUE MOUNTAINSIDE, NJ 07092 | December 31, 2018 | $380,000 |
About this Information
Searching by owner name may not be entirely useful, especially if the owner's name is common. Often, the owner is registered to an LLC, adding another layer of difficulty when attempting to determine the owner of a property. This page details the other properties within our database that may be owned by the same entity, based off of the owner's address.
While this is not a guarantee that the properties listed here are held in common ownership, it can provide you with a short list if conducting your own research into properties owned by the same individual or corporation. This list is not guaranteed to be exhaustive or correct.
Corporation and business names registered in New Jersey can be searched on the State's Business Name Search web site.