is Block 98, Lot 2.01.
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Previous Sales Information
Above is a chart showing the sales for this property (yellow) compared to the average sales price within the municipality for this class (residential, commercial) of property. Below is a listing of all sales information related to this property, from 1989 to today.
Parties | Deed Date | Sale Price |
Buyer: Seller: | 2023-06-12 Deed Recorded: Book: 9651 Page: 720 Class: residential | ( per ft2) Non-usable Sale for Assessment |
Buyer: Seller: | 2021-04-24 Deed Recorded: Book: 9510 Page: 6210 | ( per ft2) |
Buyer: Seller: | 2013-12-05 Deed Recorded: Book: 9049 Page: 6445 Class: residential | ( per ft2) Non-usable Sale for Assessment |
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View Recent SalesSales information is sourced from the New Jersey Division of Taxation Grantor's Listing. NJ Parcels is updated on Taxation's update cycle, usually within 12 hours of the state providing new data.