Comparable Sales for 5 TAYLOR AVE

5 TAYLOR AVE is Block 7, Lot 25 in Little Falls Twp, Passaic County.

The property has 1063 square feet of living space. The property last sold on for .

Map of Comparables

Map colors based on Price Per Square Foot, with red and green denoting below or above one standard deviation from the mean.

Data for 5 TAYLOR AVE

List of Comparable Sales

The table below contains the comps for 5 TAYLOR AVE. Click on the table headers to resort the list. You can download the list to Excel using the button at the bottom of the page.

Recently SoldDatePriceFT2 $/FT2Building DescriptionConstructed

Sales records are updated within 24 hours of new information released by the NJ Department of Treasury. reports and data can help you with a comparative market analysis. As always, you should verify the data before making any decisions. Use of this resource is at your own risk.