12 GENTRY DRIVE is Block 55, Lot 10.18 in Warren Twp, Somerset County.

Owner Information

WARREN, NJ 07059

Other Property by Owner

Data on 12 Gentry Drive, Warren Twp

Building DescriptionTwo Story Single Family with Two Car Garage
Year Constructed1965


12 Gentry Drive is listed as being within the R65 zone for Warren Twp.

View the Zoning Map on the Warren Twp website or our copy of the zoning map.

View the Zoning Code for Warren Twp.


This property last sold for on . See sales information for 12 Gentry Drive, as far back as 30 years.

The Deed for 12 Gentry Drive is filed with the County Clerk in Book 6688 on Page 2393.

This property was assessed for . The land was assessed at and the improvements to the property were assessed at .

12 Gentry Drive costs the property's owners annually in taxes.

School District

Warren Township School District
213 Mt. Horeb Road
Warren NJ 07059-5628
Superintendent: Dr. Matthew Mingle

Students in grades PK-08 attend Warren Township School District.

Visit the Warren Township School District website or call the district offices. View the NJ School Performance Report for Warren Township School District.

Watchung Hills Regional High School District
108 Stirling Road
Warren NJ 07059-5000
Superintendent: Dr. Elizabeth Jewett

Students in grades 09-12 attend Watchung Hills Regional High School District.

Visit the Watchung Hills Regional High School District website or call the district offices. View the NJ School Performance Report for Watchung Hills Regional High School District.

Check back soon for more school data!

Utility Providers

No location information provided for this property assessment.