17 D ST

17 D ST is Block 90, Lot 12.01 in Woodbine Boro, Cape May County.

Owner Information


Other Property by Owner

Data on 17 D St, Woodbine Boro



17 D St is listed as being within the ATR zone for Woodbine Boro.

View the Zoning Map on the Woodbine Boro website or our copy of the zoning map.

View the Zoning Code for Woodbine Boro.


This property was assessed for . The land was assessed at and the improvements to the property were assessed at .

17 D St costs the property's owners annually in taxes.

School District

Middle Township Public School District
216 South Main Street
Cape May Court House NJ 08210
Superintendent: Dr. David Salvo

Students in grades PK-12 attend Middle Township Public School District.

Visit the Middle Township Public School District website or call the district offices. View the NJ School Performance Report for Middle Township Public School District.

Woodbine School District
801 Webster St.
Woodbine NJ 08270
Superintendent: Ms. Carleena Supp

Students in grades PK-08 attend Woodbine School District.

Visit the Woodbine School District website or call the district offices. View the NJ School Performance Report for Woodbine School District.

Check back soon for more school data!

Utility Providers

No location information provided for this property assessment.