12 SO 35TH AVE

12 SO 35TH AVE is Block 107, Lot 16.01 in Longport Boro, Atlantic County.

Data on 12 So 35Th Ave, Longport Boro



12 So 35Th Ave is listed as being within the RSF3 zone for Longport Boro.

View the Zoning Map on the Longport Boro website or our copy of the zoning map.

View the Zoning Code for Longport Boro.


This property last sold for on . See sales information for 12 So 35Th Ave, as far back as 30 years.

The Deed for 12 So 35Th Ave is filed with the County Clerk in Book 15502 on Page 44781.

This property was assessed for . The land was assessed at and the improvements to the property were assessed at .

12 So 35Th Ave costs Redacted annually in taxes.

Utility Providers

No location information provided for this property assessment.